Saturday, 17 March 2007

Eurovision 2007

Ok, ok I know this isn't really our thing but I've just caught the end of the Eurovision show to pick the terror that we're going to inflict upon Helsinki sometime soon.

Scooch, or something. I mean like.... what the fuck?!?! Go and watch it, it's bound to be somewhere to view online.

I know this review isn't like those beautifully crafted pieces that Moggie produces but I am really lost for anything constructive to say.

Makes old Daz Sampson from last year look like Bob Dylan.

Edit: Here, done the legwork for you -

I'm not entirely sure that the aviation theme is compatible with our current obsession with global warming and carbon emissions.


Moggie said...

Sweet jumping Jesus, I've heard cats fucking with more harmony

Anonymous said...

"Would you like something to suck on for landing,sir?"
